The Bella Bun BLOQ {Photography Product Tester|Reviews}

The awesome folks at Bella Bun have added to their products, the Bella Bun Bloq. They asked me to test out their product and tell them what I thought of it, so here goes. I have all kinds of posers, some huge and some small. The bella bun bloq fits right in the middle of them. First of all I love how lightweight it is. You use packing peanuts to stuff/fill instead of the normal “beans”. Its not huge and bulky like some of my other posers. The square shape makes it easy to slide in a corner and store away. Another thing I love is a handle, which is awesome for hanging it up to get it out of the way. One of my biggest problems in my studio is space. In fact my round poser has just become a pain. I have nowhere to put it! Most bigger kids that come to the studio think its quite awesome to run and jump on it. I cringe thinking of how many beans are inside and how long it took to fill it, much less clean the mess after I finished. The bloq fits away out of the middle of my floor so no jumping kids can get to it. 🙂 If you are a traveling photographer this is the thing for you. It will fit just fine in you vehicle and it has a handle so it will be easy to carry inside your clients home. It is smaller than my big round poser, but its quite sufficient.  I’ll admit I struggled with it for a few minutes, but only because I am so used to dealing with acres of space on the round poser. All in all I love the bloq. Its a great product and I am honored that the great peeps at Bella Bun asked me for my opinion. If you need a poser, don’t want the huge round one to take up your studio space or need it to travel this is your poser. Get it now!


Here are a few pull back shots of the bloq and a few finished shots using it.

Hi there



I am a wife to one and mother to three, all of which are BOYS! I wouldn't have it any other way. I have been truly blessed to have found photography. I have the best job in the world! I get to capture memories for my clients that they will look back on and cherish for a lifetime.

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