Giving Back That Special Feeling!

As a child growing up my self esteem was low. I always felt out of place, and not nearly pretty enough. I still remember the day my mother took me to have my glamor portraits taken….I felt like someone special, someone important. I would like to return that feeling to someone else now.

Does this sound like someone you know? I’m looking for a senior who is willing to be Kyla Branch Photography’s next top model! This person needs to be nominated by someone other than him/herself. Tell me why he/she is deserving of this day of glamor. No entry will go unnoticed. Even if you just think he/she is just beautiful because they are your son/daughter. You never know your story might just pull at my heart strings. I especially want nominations for seniors who’s family just cant afford the give their child that special memory. All entries must be in to me by next Saturday April 12th, 2008. More than one person can nominate the senior…in fact I would love it!

I’m looking forward to your entries. I will announce the winner Saturday night!


Hi there



I am a wife to one and mother to three, all of which are BOYS! I wouldn't have it any other way. I have been truly blessed to have found photography. I have the best job in the world! I get to capture memories for my clients that they will look back on and cherish for a lifetime.

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